Annual international conference NEW FRONTIERS OF ANTITRUST organised by Concurrences
Annual international conference NEW FRONTIERS OF ANTITRUST, organised by Concurrences
WEBINAR | Wednesday 9 June 2021 15.30 – 17.00 CEST
Our director Alexis Walckiers will discuss the revision of the vertical guidelines and VBER with Svend Albaek, Adviser to Chief Economist, DG COMP, Brussels, Luc Peeperkorn, Professor, Brussels School of Competition and College of Europe, Former Principal Advisor Antitrust Policy at European Commission, DG COMP, Brussels and Thibaud Vergé, Professor of Economics, ENSAE, Paris. The moderator will be Laurence Idot, Emeritus Professor, University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, President, Concurrences Review Scientific Committee.
While the European Commission is exploring a possible revision of the VBER and of the Vertical Guidelines and assessing the various policy options proposed, the panel will reflect on some of the relevant issues and subjects in the VBER, some more controversial than others, but all having been over the years at the center of the debates on the legal framework applying to vertical restraints.
Link to interview: Svend Albaek in conversation with Alexis Walckiers