DG Competition published four studies evaluating State aid rules provided by the consortium led by E.CA Economics
On 2 June 2020 DG Competition published support studies on the retrospective evaluation of State aid rules, which will be a basis for future Commission decisions about whether to further prolong or update the rules expiring in 2020.
The consortium of DIW Berlin, E.CA Economics, Lear, Sheppard Mullin and UEA Consulting under the leadership of E.CA Economics provided evaluation studies in four State aid areas: regional State aid, State aid for access to finance for SMEs, State aid rules for operating aid under the EU aviation framework and State aid rules for environmental protection and energy.
Link to the “Fitness check” announcement
and link to all four studies:
Retrospective evaluation of the regional aid framework
Evaluation support study on the EU rules on State aid for access to finance for SMEs
Support study for the evaluation of the rules for operating aid under the EU aviation framework
Retrospective evaluation support study on State aid rules for environmental protection and energy