E.CA speaking at CRESSE Special Policy Session
Once more the Competition & Regulation European Summer School and Conference (CRESSE) will be dealing with competition and sectoral regulation issues with emphasis on the policy relevance: tomorrow, the 15th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPETITION AND REGULATION starts. This year’s theme: Advances in the analysis of competition policy and regulation.
Our director Hans W. Friederiszick is looking forward to chairing a special policy session on “Systematically incorporating innovation in Competition Law Enforcement” with the panelists Eliana Garces (Facebook), Dr. Marc Ivaldi (Toulouse School of Economics and NERA Economic Consulting), Bruno JULLIEN (Toulouse School of Economics), Kai-Uwe Kühn (Brattle), Aviv Nevo (University of Pennsylvania) and Howard Shelanski (Georgetown University).
More information on CRESSE conference
See the full programme here