Back 10 May 2021 | News

Nomination for 2021 Antitrust Writing Awards

E.CA is thrilled to announce that three articles written by E.CA colleagues have been selected for the 2021 Antitrust Writing Awards by Concurrences and The George Washington University for the best Academic article category. This year, the Editorial Committee received a record-breaking of 1,200+ submissions. The full articles of the nominees can be read online.

The nominees are:

  • in the subcategory “10. Digital”: Özlem Bedre-Defolie and Rainer Nitsche, “When do markets tip? An overview and some insights for policy”, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, December 2020, Volume 11, Issue 10.
  • in the subcategory “11. Economics”: Hans W. Friederiszick, Linda Gratz and Michael Rauber, “The impact of EU cartel policy reforms on the timing of settlements in private follow-on damages disputes—an empirical assessment of cases from 2001 to 2015”, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, November 9, 2020.
  • in the subcategory “11. Economics”:
    Vilen Lipatov, Damien Neven and Georges Siotis, “Pre-empting the entry of near perfect substitutes”, Journal of Competition Law & Economics, March 2021, Volume 17, Issue 1.