E.CA Economists publish regularly in academic journals, competition and regulation journals and the more popular business press. We speak frequently at conferences, workshops and symposiums.
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Review of the CMA’s Approach to Vertical Mergers
Keywords: Mergers
Moderating Globalization: Is there a role for Antitrust Law? A comparison of the relevance of entry, expansion and imports in US and EU merger proceedings
Presentation on the topic „Does inflation weaken competition?” at the annual international Pros and Cons conference
Here is the link to the Pros and Cons conference on Fighting Inflation with Competition Policy.
Study to map, measure and portray the EU mid-cap landscape
Owen Weijie Yan, Bernhard Dachs, Iulia Siedschlag, et. al., European Commission DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, November 2022
Talent for Ireland’s Green Economy: Examining Skill Needs to Support Enterprise Innovation and Ireland’s Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy
Owen Weijie Yan, Iulia Siedschlag, Stefano Meneto, The Economic and Social Research Institute, March 2022
Report was commissioned by the Skillnet Ireland
Srovnání nákupu elektrické energie prostřednictvím otevřeného zadávacího řízení a přes komoditní burzu
Expert opinion in case 3 Cm 11/2018 – Comparison of Purchasing Electricity through an Open Tender Procedure and through a Commodity Exchange
GCR Enforcer Hub – Germany: economist perspective
Ex-post Evaluation of Vertical Mergers
Rafael Aigner, Bas Dessens, , , Alena Kozakova, Raphaël Poncet, Michael Rauber, Giulia Santosuosso, Ignacio Balaguer Lopez, Competition and Market Authority, March 2022
A review by E.CA Economics of the CMA’s assessment of vertical theories of harm in four merger clearance decisions.
Reverse Privatization as a Reaction to the Competitive Environment: Evidence from Solid Waste Collection in Germany
Hans W. Friederiszick, Juri Demuth, S. Reinhold, Review of Industrial Organization 60, 217–261, October 2022