Alexis Walckiers Appointed Assessor of the Belgian Competition Authority
Our director Alexis Walckiers has been appointed assessor of the Belgian Competition Authority (BCA). “I am delighted to have the opportunity to sit as an assessor for the Belgian Competition Authority. This is an important role, and I look forward to contributing to a balanced decision process. On a personal note, I am also very enthusiastic to get to see the many friends I made at the BCA from time to time.”
The BCA comprises an Investigation Service (the Investigation and Prosecution Service) and a decision-making body (Competition College). The decision-making body is the Competition College for all infringement cases that are not settled or closed by the Investigation and Prosecution Service, as well as all non-simplified merger control procedures. The BCA President presides over the Competition College. For each case, the Competition College consists of the president and two assessors.