Effective and timely advice, based on robust economic analysis.

News & Events

17 December 2024 | News
E.CA recognised in GCR ranking 2025 Read More

We are proud that GCR has once again recognised E.CA Economics as one of the world’s top 20 competition economics firms in its GCR 100 ranking.

Described as ‘highly recommended’ by our clients, E.CA stands out as a unique, independent European competition economics firm with strong roots in Germany and offices in Brussels and London. GCR also emphasises our close cooperation with our partners at Bates White, one of the leading US consulting firms.

Our academic credentials and extensive academic network are particularly emphasised, reflecting the expertise and excellence of our team. We would like to thank our clients and partners for their continued trust, positive reviews and recommendations that have contributed to this success year after year.

8 November 2024 | News
Rainer Nitsche is Competition Economist of the Year Read More

We congratulate our director and co-founder Rainer Nitsche on receiving the Competition Economist of the Year award. This annual award was presented on the 7 November by Lexology Index in London.

Many thanks to the organiser and to our clients and partners who have contributed to the assessment process with their favourable statements. We congratulate all other winners of the evening.

Each year Lexology Index (formerly known as Who’s Who Legal) presents awards to the individuals and firms that have performed exceptionally well in their sector.

26 August 2024 | Competition Competition Policy Studies News
Economic trade-offs in rail transport Read More

In this study, we derive economic trade-offs of between the vertical organisation of rail transport and efficiency. For this purpose, we reviewed the academic and industry literature, screened available market statistics, assessed the experience from exemplary European countries and other network industries, and carried out interviews with industry experts.

Find out more

12 August 2024 | News
WWL Competition report recognises ten E.CA colleagues Read More

We are proud to announce that our expertise in providing economic analysis in competition cases is again recognised by clients and partners, who have contributed with their reviews to the Competition Economists Report of Who’s Who Legal.

This year WWL recommends ten of our colleagues at different levels of seniority based in our offices in Berlin, Brussels, London, and Munich.

We are also delighted to celebrate the first-time recognition of Linda Gratz and Anselm Mattes in the WWL report, where they are commended as strong team leaders with profound economic knowledge.

Congratulations to our recommended colleagues, and to the wider team with whom they worked! And warm thanks to everyone who send their positive feedback: we very much look forward to working with you this year again!

Click here for the full review of the Competition Report.

LinkedIn post.

5 July 2024 | Events News
E.CA chaired a panel on CRESSE 2024 Read More

On the 5th of July our director Hans W. Friederiszick chaired a special policy session on this year’s CRESSE – Competition and Regulation European Summer School and Conference.

This session covered current developments and challenges relating to the topic “Ecosystem Competition: Access Charges, Fairness, Interoperrability”.

It was a great exchange with the internationally recognised experts and panelists Marc Bourreau (Télécom Paris), Giuseppe Colangelo (Università degli Studi della Basilicata), Jacques Cremer (Toulouse School of Economics), Eliana Garces (Analysis Group), Simon Loertscher (University of Melbourne) and Keith Waehrer (Secretariat Economists).

CRESSE is a network of academics and professionals, practicing in competition or regulatory authorities, consultancies and legal practices, with an interest in competition policy and sectoral regulation. It was initiated by Prof. Yannis Katsoulacos in 2005. E.CA has the honour of being a long-standing partner and we are very grateful for this cooperation.

26 June 2024 | Competition Competition Policy Studies News
Exploring Aspects of the State of Competition in the EU Read More

The European Commission has published the report “Exploring Aspects of the State of Competition in the EU” on June 24 2024.

The report was prepared by a consortium of firms led by Lear and comprising E.CA Economics, Fideres, Prometeia, the University of East Anglia, and Verian. Our report has contributed to the Commission’s own report entitled “Protecting Competition in a Changing World”, also published on June 24 2024.

The chapter we contributed defined “Global Superstars” as the world’s 50 most profitable companies for five 5-year periods between 1998 and 2022.

Click here to read more.

4 June 2024 | Events News
E.CA spoke at Hal White Antitrust Conference Read More

At the beginning of June our directors Linda Gratz and Hans W. Friederiszick gave a presentation at the 2024 Hal White Antitrust Conference. This event was organised by our US partners Bates White Economic Consulting.

Our directors spoke about bargaining power in the bilateral negotiations between carriers and large Content and Application Providers (CAPs) over IP data transport fees.

In a recent legal dispute between Meta and Telekom Deutschland GmbH, Meta stopped paying fees while continuing to use a dedicated direct network connection into Telekom’s network, with both parties accusing each other of abusing a dominant position.

In this context, our company analysed the relative bargaining power of carriers and CAPs in the bilateral negotiations over fees for IP data transport.

We concluded that carriers technically cannot deny access to their network. Furthermore, large CAPs can deliberately cause congestion at interconnects into a carrier’s network, thereby temporarily deteriorating the connection quality in the network. Consequently, a significant imbalance in the relative bargaining power in favour of large CAPs can arise.

The dispute between Meta and Telekom could become a precedent for establishing whether CAPs must pay for using dedicated direct connections to carrier’s networks and contribute their share to the necessary investment into Next Generation Networks.

We thank Bates White for inviting us to speak at the conference. Thank you also to our clients for the opportunity to share our analysis and engage in such an important discussion.

30 May 2024 | Events News
E.CA Expert Forum 2024 Read More

This year E.CA Expert Forum took place at the Fondation Boghossian (Villa Empain) in Brussels on 30 May.

You will find a summary of the panel discussions regarding “Self-preferences and AI” and “The role of competition policy in the transformation of the European economy” below. We also summarised our key take aways from the closing remarks by Olivier Guersent.

A big thank you to the speakers, participants and for everyone else who contributed to the success of our event.

Click here for a summary of the panel discussions and photos.

We contribute substantial value for our clients by providing tailor-made advice built on thorough economic analyses. We deliver robust results and a clear exposition.

E.CA Economics is a renowned European economics consultancy that builds its case-related advice in the fields of competition policy and regulation on thorough research. As a partner of ESMT Berlin, the highest-ranked business school in Germany and Top 10 in Europe, E.CA can draw on the latest economic research.

We contribute substantial value for our clients by providing tailor-made advice built on robust economic analyses. We deliver accurate results and a clear exposition.

With our international team of over 45 professional economists, ten of whom have been nominated by Who’s Who Legal Competition as outstanding experts, we cover projects in more than 15 European countries and beyond. On transatlantic cases, we work jointly with our US partner firm, Bates White LLC.

E.CA Economics has been named in Global Competition Review’s annual ranking of the top 21 competition economics groups since 2008. Moreover, we have been listed as the most recommended consulting firm in Germany by the leading German Law journal JUVE.

Data security is a priority at E.CA Economics. We received the Cyber Essential Certificate, which accredits our company with being cyber-secure. Additionally, we offer our clients safe data rooms via a leading provider with servers in Germany; we work with encrypted and certified emails and comply with the most recent data protection laws.


“Economists at E.CA combine scientific rigour with a drive to work on relevant problems and find practical solutions. This makes E.CA a great place to work and adds real value for our clients.”

Rafael Aigner, Associate Principal

"E.CA is a great place to develop your skills. You will be challenged by projects in all areas of competition economics across all industries and you will learn from the best experts in this field."

Elżbieta Głowicka, Director

“E.CA is an economic powerhouse: we produce solid and convincing analysis within demanding time frames. I am proud that we have positioned E.CA Economics in the high-quality segment for economic consulting – this reputation gives our work extra weight.”

Rainer Nitsche, Director

“Being an economist, it’s hard to think of a better place to work than at E.CA as both economic theory and econometric techniques form the core of our work. Furthermore, you will become part of a talented and warm team, where each contribution is valued!”

Brecht Boone, Associate Principal

“Nowadays, rigorous empirical and analytical work – developing a sound conceptual framework, identifying strategies, plain visualisation and robust econometrics – are key factors of success. Being part of a team which excels at all of those dimensions is exciting.”

Hans W. Friederiszick, Director

“If you are interested in applying rigorous economic analysis to competition questions, E.CA Economics is the place to be. I got involved in challenging and exciting cases from the beginning. By now I have provided economic advice in all fields of competition law.”

Linda Gratz, Director