12 June 2019 | News
E.CA Economics to speak at Chillin’Competition conference on 14th June
On 14th June, Chillin’Competition organised its conference “State Aid: Charting the Territory” and spoke about the future of state aid control in a post-Brexit world.
Speakers at the conference included Viktor Kreuschitz (Judge at the General Court), Vincent Verouden (European Commission), Penelope Papandropoulos (European Commission), Massimo Merola (BonelliErede), José Luis Buendía Sierra (Garrigues), Jacques Derenne (SheppardMullin), Alfonso Lamadrid de Pablo (Garrigues), Andreas von Bonin (Freshfields), Juliette Enser (Competition and Markets Authority), Christian Jordal (EFTA Surveillance Authority), Pablo Ibáñez Colomo (LSE and College of Europe) and many others.