E.CA listed as top consulting firm in Germany by JUVE
E.CA Economics has been listed as the most recommended consulting firm in Germany by the leading German Law journal JUVE. In the article E.CA is referred to as “the clear international leader among German consulting firms in the field of competition economics”.
Our Managing Directors Rainer Nitsche and Hans W. Friederiszick are respectively ranked #1 and #2 competition economists in the German market in JUVE’s research of law firms and consultancies. Bas Dessens and Simone Kohnz, both Directors at E.CA, are also distinguished as renowned consultants. Congratulations!
With an increasing number of female directors, 3 out of 8 in total in Germany – Elżbieta Głowicka, Linda Gratz and Simone Kohnz – E.CA stands out for its inclusive approach and diversity.
Read the article: Die Zahlenzauberer / JUVE Rechtsmarkt 06 2023 (Preview) | JUVE Kiosk