Back 7 January 2022 | News

E.CA listed as top economic firm 2022 by WWL and GCR

E.CA Economics has once again been recommended both by Who’s Who Legal (WWL) and Global Competition Review (GCR). Both offer a comprehensive listing and analysis of the world’s top antitrust and competition practices.

In the guide “Germany 2022 – Competition Economists”, WWL states that “E.CA Economics stands out with three listings here.” Hans W. Friederiszick, Simone Kohnz and Rainer Nitsche were named to that list as highly recommended competition economists. Who’s Who Legal annually identifies the foremost legal practitioners in multiple areas of business law by evaluating more than 250,000 third-party recommendations and conducting 5,000 interviews with leading practitioners.

GCR listed E.CA for the 14th time in a row as of the world’s leading antitrust economics consultancies: “A compact consultancy that solely focuses on competition matters, E.CA Economics punches above its weight with teams in Berlin, Munich, Brussels and London.” The “Economics 23” ranking is based on measures including the number of dedicated antitrust economists in the firm, work over the past year, and the number of nominations to Who’s Who Legal: Competition.

WWL’s overview is available here.

GCR’s  overview is available here.

The firm’s 2022 Economics 23 profile is available here.