Back 30 June 2023 | News

E.CA listed as top economic firm 2023 by WWL and GCR

E.CA economists have once again been recognised as leading economic experts. E.CA Economics has been ranked consistently amongst the top 24 international competition economics firms globally since 2008 by the Global Competition Review (GCR), where we once again appear this year in the “Highly Recommended” category. GCR explains that “E.CA Economics is home to a dynamic competition practice that extends across Europe and into the US, thanks to a well-established relationship with Bates White.” GCR refers amongst others to our recent “headline matters”, which includes “advising Meta on its acquisition of Giphy, which was conditionally cleared by Austria’s Cartel Court in February 2022 following a Phase II investigation by the Austrian Federal Competition Authority”.

Recently, the quality of our expertise was further recognized through the increasing number of our colleagues, which are listed by Who’s Who Legal (WWL). Indeed, WWL now lists Lars-Hendrik Röller and Alexis Walckiers as EconomicExperts, in addition to Hans W. FriederiszickSimone KohnzRainer Nitsche and our Academic Affiliate Frank Verboven, who were already listed last year. Our colleagues Rafael AignerBas DessensThomas Hildebrand and Alia Schweiger appear as FutureLeaders on the list. Congratulations to them: their listing is well deserved!

WWL further confirms our leading position in Germany, having 4 Experts and 3 Future Leaders on the list (more than any other firm), and our growing international footprint with two listed colleagues based in Brussels and one in London (where we opened an office last year).

Let us take this opportunity to thank our clients not only for the fantastic feedback they provided, which led to these recognitions, but also for the confidence they show in giving us the opportunity to work on interesting and (sometimes) challenging cases. Working with you makes us better every day!

We also want to congratulate our US partner Bates White Economic Consulting, who have 11 Experts listed by WWL.

WWL’s overview is available here:
GCR’s overview is available here:
The firm’s profile is available here: