
E.CA Economists publish regularly in academic journals, competition and regulation journals and the more popular business press. We speak frequently at conferences, workshops and symposiums.

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Papers & reports

Innovation Incentives through Third-Degree Price Discrimination in a Model of Patent Breadth

Economics Letters, 47: 431-435, March 1995

Reprinted in: The Economics of Price Discrimination, International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, George Norman (ed.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1999.

Keywords: predatory pricing
Papers & reports

Naar een economische theorie van imperfecte octrooibescherming

Vraagstelling, 1(4): 95-102, October 1994

Keywords: economics
Papers & reports

The Limits of Patent Protection, Essays on the Economics of Intellectual Property Rights

PhD Thesis, Maastricht: Maastricht University Press, September 1994

Keywords: economics
Papers & reports

The Effect of Novelty Requirements on Subsequent Innovations

Tinbergen Institute Research Bulletin, 4: 187-195, October 1992

Keywords: economic analysis
Papers & reports

Technologiebeleid in een economisch perspectief

Luc Soete, in R.T. Frambach en E.J. Nijssen (eds.), Technologie en Strategisch Management, Utrecht: Lemma, 1992, October 1992

Keywords: economic analysis
Papers & reports

GCR Insight – Handbook of Competition Economics 2020 – Germany overview

Hans W. Friederiszick, Simone Kohnz, and Rainer Nitsche contributed to the Competition Economics Handbook 2020 – Germany overview

To Germany overview pdf


Keywords: competition, competition law & economics