
E.CA Economists publish regularly in academic journals, competition and regulation journals and the more popular business press. We speak frequently at conferences, workshops and symposiums.

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Papers & reports

Review of the CMA’s Approach to Vertical Mergers

Bas DessensAlena KozakovaNicola HeuselCPI Antitrust Chronicle, October 2023

Keywords: Mergers
Papers & reports

Moderating Globalization: Is there a role for Antitrust Law? A comparison of the relevance of entry, expansion and imports in US and EU merger proceedings

Paul FriederiszickWorld Competition Volume 46, Issue 2 (2023) pp. 163-188, World Competition, June 2023

Presentation on the topic „Does inflation weaken competition?” at the annual international Pros and Cons conference

Linda GratzStockholm, May 2023

Here is the link to the Pros and Cons conference on Fighting Inflation with Competition Policy.

Article, Papers & reports

GCR Enforcer Hub – Germany: economist perspective

Nadine FabritzLinda GratzGlobal Competition Review, November 2022
Papers & reports

Ex-post Evaluation of Vertical Mergers

Rafael AignerBas DessensNicola HeuselAlena KozakovaRaphaël PoncetMichael RauberGiulia SantosuossoIgnacio Balaguer Lopez, Competition and Market Authority, March 2022

A review by E.CA Economics of the CMA’s assessment of vertical theories of harm in four merger clearance decisions.

Link to report

Papers & reports

Reverse Privatization as a Reaction to the Competitive Environment: Evidence from Solid Waste Collection in Germany

Hans W. FriederiszickJuri DemuthS. Reinhold, Review of Industrial Organization 60, 217–261, October 2022
Papers & reports

Using Compensating Efficiencies to Assess EU Merger Policy

Pauline AffeldtTomaso Duso, Klaus Gugler, Joanna Piechucka, Vox EU, January 2022
Papers & reports

Competitors’ Reactions to Big Tech Acquisitions: Evidence from Mobile Apps

Pauline AffeldtReinhold Kesler, DIW Discussion Paper, DP 1987, December 2021
Papers & reports

Assessing EU Merger Control through Compensating Efficiencies

Pauline AffeldtTomaso Duso, Klaus Gugler, Joanna Piechucka, CEPR Discussion Papers, DP 16705, November 2021
Papers & reports

Collusion among Autonomous Pricing Algorithms Utilizing Function Approximation Methods

Malte JeschonneckDICE, discussion paper, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, August 2021