
E.CA Economists publish regularly in academic journals, competition and regulation journals and the more popular business press. We speak frequently at conferences, workshops and symposiums.

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Incentives to Grow: Multimarket Firms and Predation

Rainer Nitsche27th EARIE (European Association for Research in Industrial Economics) Annual Conference, Lausanne, September 2000

Keywords: multimarket

Mergers & Acquisitions Lecture

Rainer NitscheSeminar im Auftrag von Professor Röller für das wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Hauptstudium an der Humboldt Universität Berlin, Wintersemester 2000, Berlin.

Keywords: acquisition, merger

Electrified? Liberalisation of European Electricity Markets

Rainer NitscheJean Monet Seminar im Auftrag von Professor Hubert für das wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Hauptstudium and der Freien Universität, Wintersemester 1999, Berlin

Keywords: electricity, liberalisation

Experiences with the Tendering Regime of London Buses

Rainer NitscheFHW Seminar "Umstrukturierung und Kommerzialisierung", Berlin, May 1999

Papers & reports

Executive Summary of “The Economic Consequences of the Choice of a Regime of Exhaustion in the Area of Trademarks”

John Rhys et al, NERA, London, February 1999

Reprinted in The Economics of Intellectual Property, International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Towse and Holzbauer (eds.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002.

Keywords: economic analysis
Papers & reports

Liberalization and Privatization of London Transport

Rainer NitscheDVG Schriftenreihe, B213.

Keywords: liberalisation, privatisation
Papers & reports

Passing the European Patent Office: Evidence from the Data-Processing Industry

Geert Duyster, Technical University of Eindhoven, Research Policy 27: 937-946, November 1998

Keywords: European competition policy
Papers & reports

Ervaringen met Public Private Partnerships in het Verenigd Koninkrijk

Michael Spackman, Economisch Statistische Berichten, October 1998, 83(4170): 10-15, October 1998

Keywords: Mergers
Papers & reports

Competition and Innovation

Jan Boone, Tilburg University, De Economist 146 (3): 445-461, October 1998

Keywords: competition
Papers & reports

Prijsregulering voor netwerkdiensten (in Dutch)

Economisch Statistische Berichten, March 1998, 83: 253-256, March 1998

Keywords: Mergers, price regulation